Thursday, April 2, 2009

God Bless...

I just had to share this funny tidbit.

I was driving along the highway, as they call it here (apparently, only those from the West Coast call it a “freeway”). I was minding my own business, getting down to a little Justin Timberlake, bringing my sexy back, when I notice someone in my rear view mirror. This woman (who BADLY needed one of those makeovers from “What not to wear”) was on the edge of her seat, leaning over the steering wheel and looked like she had a massive case of road rage.

Coming from the LA area, I’m used to this sort of behavior. I smiled slightly as took my foot off the gas. They would eventually go around. The woman swerved to the right and then cut off a semi. As she passed me I saw a sticker on her car that said “JESUS” in big gold type.

I just thought to myself “Well, God Bless, you too!”

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