Sunday, May 10, 2009

What's in there?

I’ve come to the conclusion that I might be a tad bit overly paranoid about certain things. Running with scissors is bad. Drinking tap water makes me suspicious at times. I garden organically. But, I never thought that I would be paranoid about the cosmetics I use. I was reading an article the other day about what chemicals are used in cosmetics. Now, I remember reading something about how Cleopatra used some kind of flower to make her cheeks and lips rosy and that was way back in about 200 BC (I think that was the only thing I remembered from history class).

  I was reading an article this week (I can not remember the web site for the life of me), but it happened to list  as a resource to help you find out what exactly is in your cosmetics and if it’s hazardous. I checked out some of the stuff that I use, just see what’s in there. They have a green, yellow, red system to show you the level of hazardous chemicals in you cosmetics.

     I buy 7th generation and Aveda products, so I figured that I would be green all the way, right? WRONG! I was SHOCKED at how many chemicals are used in our cosmetics. This includes lotions and sunscreens, too. Now, if Cleopatra was using her own home made stuff back in the way in the day (assuming that it was made from plant products), why the hell in this day and age are we using so many chemicals in cosmetics?

Check out the cosmetics database site. You will be amazed! Here are some of the products that I use that rank green according to the cosmetics database: 


California baby sunscreen – it’s organic and certain formulas contain natural bug repellant. I use it and it’s fabulous. I never burn when I use that stuff.  It’s a bit gloppy but if you’re pasty white like me, the hubby and the kid, you want full coverage.


    I use bare minerals makeup and, sadly, it ranks a yellow (as in medium health hazard), I found a company that has mineral makeup that ranks green – Glam Nation. I have yet to try it, but it’s next on my list.


     Other companies that rank as green include. Dancing dingo. They have shampoos, soaps, baby soaps and even dog shampoo. I think I need to try out the Dog De-funkier. Cava’s getting a little stinky.


     California Costal Creations also uses plant products in their cosmetics – they’re a big GREEN according to the cosmetics database. I ordered some of their lipstick and eye shadow – I’ll let you know what I think of it.


So, check out the web site and see what’s in the stuff that you’re using. If you really don’t care and just like the way that your cheap eye shadow shimmers, never mind. I will warn you that if you’re slightly paranoid about stuff like this, that web site is SO addictive.

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